Friday, October 23, 2009


Us old guys with bad knees remember McRad from back in the days when skate videos were events just because they came out, not because some publicist was hyping them with a YouTube ad campaign. The songs heard in those videos were new pieces of ear candy that were soon blasting on a sticker-covered boom box at the local ramp. That was back when Skate Rock belonged to skaters, and we had the best secret in the world. McRad was one of those secrets.

McRad was in a few of Powell Peralta’s
classic vids—Public Domain, Ban This and Propaganda—bringing an energetic sound based in hardcore and punk to the post-Bones Brigade team. The song “Weakness” was the soundtrack to the world’s introduction to Ray Barbee in Public Domain, while McRad was also fast and loose enough to keep up with Tommy Guerrero as he destroyed the hills of SF. Coming out of Philly in 1983, McRad released a classic hardcore record, Absence of Sanity.


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